Donate Instruments or equipment

We will accept a variety of well kept, playable musical instruments. Due to the considerable expense of collecting, storing, packaging and transporting instruments to the island of Cuba, we are looking for instruments that can be put to use without a lot of repair work. There is a priority of instruments that will immediately benefit Cuban musicians and music schools. Use the “Priority Instruments” button to view the current list. Recording and sound reinforcement equipment is also needed in Cuba. This equipment should be in good working order and fairly compact if possible. Use the “Priority Equipment” to access that list.

Email, USPS mail or Visit us


Mail USPS:

P.O. box 66
Norwood, CO 81423

Ship UPS or FedEx:

2383 County Road Y34

Norwood Co 81423


Monday – Friday: 9AM – 4PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed